Course Work

L/O: To explore possible tasks and decide on one                             19/4/18

23rd April 2018                Coursework research

web address:

The purpose of this is to give young people an outdoor experience learning different skills like: Mountain biking, kayaking, climbing etc for the price of around £400-£600.

web address:

The purpose of this charity is to give teenagers a chance to mentor other teenagers and to teach them how to surf and also teach them mentoring skills which can help them in later life.


Website terminology

Research: Media language
The media codes and conventions is what makes the website.  The usability of the website is very clear as its very well laid out. The lay out is set up in a grid system with the main piece of information in the centre to normally explain the use of the website and its aims of what they want to achieve. Their colour palette is white, pink and a navy blue. The images they use are ones of people surfing and splashing around in the water. At the bottom of there page they have an information bit which shows how many people are volunteers or are involved etc and also how they have had one member who has won worldwide surf competition. They also have a map with all the locations of where they are in the uk. 

Coursework Planning    L/O: To plan an effective product aimed at a specific audience using appropriate codes and conventions

Codes and conventions:


  • Home page - This is the start page on the website which is the first page you see
  • Navigation - This is a series of buttons or images which lead to other pages in the website 
  • Tabs - These are markers for additional web pages that have been opened 
  • House style - These are repeated elements of layout throughout website
  • Roll overs - This is an element that changes when your cursor is rolled over it
  • Pop ups - This is a smaller window which pops up over the main window 
  • Scrolling marquee - This is a scrolling area of text
  • Links/Hyperlinks - These are texts or images that give access to another text or image
  • Embedded video/animations - These are videos or animations on the webpage
  • RSS Feed - This provides subscribers with new content from frequently updated websites
  • Blog - This is a regularly updated informational or discussion website
  • Interactivity - These are opportunities for audience feedback or user-generated content 
  • Branding - This is the use of particular typefaces to represent the brand 
  • specialist typefaces - These are unusual typefaces 
  • Font size/italics/bold
  • Formal and informal register - This is language used to communicate impersonally and objectively; language used to communicate a shared relationship
  • Direct mode of address - this is language addressing the person e.g. by using the word 'you'
  • Graphics
  • Camerawork and mise-en-scène in photography 
  • Depth of field - E.g. a shallow depth of field gives shallow focus
  • Digital manipulation - E.g. photoshopping
  • Cropping - This is removing parts of an image to improve composition or change meaning
  • House style - This is repeated use of the same colours throughout a publication 
  • Choice of colour 

Initial Planning:
A charity website

Website charity name: The trail project 


Aims of website: To try and get teenagers (13-18 yrs) out on bike trails for something to do and to put a positive mindset and help them improve there confidence.


Logo ideas: I was thinking of an outline of a bike 

Photoshoot ideas

10th September          Coursework Audit

L/O: To review work so far and create a detailed plan


  • need to record a video and take some pictures which i will do after school this week 
  • need to complete the homepage but that can only be done when i have the photos and videos, i will complete the homepage in one of the five lessons i have left
  • i need to make a logo and a slogan which i will do in lesson this week before i get the videos and pictures
  • need to create a text promoting campaign that is 200 words what i will do at home but write up at school on my coursework page
  • i also need to add link to a donation page which i can do whenever as its quite simple

        This is needed to be completed and handed in by the 28th September

The slogan of my charity is 

1 comment:

  1. 30th September Feedback:
    Changed from website to magazine.
    Need to attend catch up after school once a week
