Baby Boomer generation:
This is referring to the generation who were born post-WW2 to early 60s.
This is were you make an effort to become more diverse.
Audience address:
How you talk to your audience to get them interested in what your saying/doing.
showing/having a good attitude.
House style:
Its a company preferred way of presenting something to attract people.
where one piece of media refers to another piece of media
- shot type: Close up shot
- Big and bold sans serif masthead
- Coverlines
- Main coverline
- Date line
- Main image: David Grohl who is an american rockstar who is lead singer of the foo fighters
- They advertise a FREE CD in there magazine
- A male target audience
- The main colour scheme is blue, yellow, red, white and black
- It is in the rock genre
Mojo want to do a close up shot so they can get Davids facial expression and that fans of his will recognise him on the front page of the mojo magazine so they will buy it. They want to use big block capitals on Dave Grohls name to also attract attention. They have a free CD to also attract buyers for the magazine.
Good overview